Why do I need legal advice about immigration?
Immigration is an issue that has generated much political and public attention in recent years and will continue to do so. Immigration is also an area that has many complicated laws that apply in different situations. A new law is currently being considered by the UK parliament that will make the law more complicated still.
People affected by immigration issues often find the law very hard to understand, let alone what impact it may have on their own situation. Yet, it can have a major impact on them and their families, for example if another member of their family has been refused permission to enter the country.
There are many aspects to immigration, including issues of nationality, eligibility for residence, the many different types of visa, appeals against immigration decisions and deportation, among others.
Why should I choose a barrister?
Barristers are experts in the law. They understand the complexities of laws and can tell you what they mean. As expert advocates, barristers can represent you in hearings and in the court, if that becomes necessary.