What is defamation? How might defamation affect me?
Defamation is when someone uses language that harms the good name or reputation of another person or a business. A defamatory statement said or written about you is one that is disparaging and has the effect of people thinking worse of you. If the language is written or broadcast, it is “libel”, which also includes statements made in emails and on the internet. If the language is spoken, it is “slander”, and that also includes gestures.
For example, a defamatory statement would be one that makes a claim that the person is immoral, corrupt, in serious financial difficulties, grossly incompetent, or guilty of a criminal offence. There are many other examples.
If you feel you have been libelled or slandered, you may have grounds for taking action against the person doing the libel or slander. Or you may need to defend a claim if you have been accused of libel or slander. Globe Law & Co. can put you in direct contact with a barrister who is an expert on defamation and can assist you. Note that if you have reason to believe you have been defamed, you only have one year from the date of the publication to bring a claim for damages.
Why do I need a barrister?
Libel is a highly complex area of law. Barristers are experts in the law, are best placed to advise on the right course of action and will argue your case to the highest standard in any tribunal or court.
Is mediation right for me?
Suing someone who you think has defamed you can be expensive and time-consuming. For many people, what they really want is a public apology rather than damages. In certain situations, it would be worth considering mediation, which can be less stressful and cheaper. Globe Law & Co. can connect you to specialists in mediation who can help you resolve your dispute.
Who is the best barrister for me?
If you need expert advice on defamation and how to enforce your rights or to defend yourself when someone is alleging that you have defamed them, choose a barrister on Globe Law & Co. Barristers will provide you with guidance so you that you know where you stand and can take the right decisions about what to do next. We can put you in touch with a barrister who can advise you on any proceedings that you need to take or defend.