What is the Court of Protection?
The Court of Protection looks after the rights of people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions regarding their property, affairs or personal welfare. The court can appoint a “deputy” to assume responsibility for decision making. Lack of mental capacity can occur because of learning difficulties, old age and mental illness or the suffering of a brain injury as a result of an accident.
Delegating decision making power does not have to be done by the Court of Protection. It is sometimes useful to pass on that power to someone else by what is called “power of attorney”. This is a legal document that will specify what those responsibilities are. You might also want to plan ahead, by stipulating that you want a family member, friend or lawyer to take over the management of your financial affairs in the event that you may lack mental capacity. Globe Law & Co. can put you in touch with a barrister who is an expert in these matters.
Why should I choose a barrister?
Barristers are experts in the law. They are best placed to advise you on your legal position, draft legal documents, advise on formal proceedings and use his or her advocacy skills to represent you to the highest standard in any court, tribunal or hearing. Your barrister will know all the legal processes associated with the Court of Protection and about powers of attorney.